
Friday, June 19, 2009


Interesting conundrum -- with the advent of NCLB we are asked (required) as educators to make sure that ALL students succeed and NO child is left behind -- a noble goal. The obvious implication of NCLB and its goal is to address each student individually to meet his or her unique needs. The institutional reaction (across the nation) would appear to be exactly the opposite -- we establish "standards" and related procedures that offer "one size fits all" and reject individuality. Interesting!

So how could we ensure success of ALL students and do so through individualization?

1 comment:

  1. I think we can look at the individual strengths of the student and play upon them. I believe the individual brings certain character traits that are part of who they are and apart of who they will become. However, as educators those individual strengths need to be realized and used to help students succeed. Once you know the strength of the individual student, then you make a "BIG DEAL" over that strength because all students love to be acknowledged for what they are good at.
