
Thursday, September 17, 2009

What IF...

In the era of system reform and questions that have been raised by budget shortfalls and the economic climate, the question becomes if not this -- then what? Within that regard, it would seem that an interesting, if not productive, conversation might occur between interested stakeholders regarding the triangulation between three books and sets of ideas. In no particular order, I would suggest:

While this is not the definitive set of book topics, I do think it would be interesting. It might be equally interesting to know the three that you would use to triangulate between!?! Finally, it is of limited value if we do not discuss our practice and system within that triangulation discussion. In any case, change like this always involves LOTS of discussion.


  1. My trio is by concept, not title - globalization, public education and communication (computerized and otherwise). So a first stab might be The World is Flat, Radical Equations, and (I hope) The World is Open, which I am checking out right now. Most definitely we should discuss our practice, which, in my humble opinion, has not met up to our vision within the past century much less this or the next.

  2. Two down, one ordered.

    I would add to the list a book called "Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us" by Seth Godin. I hear Seth speak in Washington DC and was intrigued by his insights into "alternative" leadership. He is truly on to something and his talk caused me to rethink some of my personal leadership strategies.
