
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Importance of our REEF Organization

In these very difficult economic times, charitable foundations such as REEF (Riverside Educational Enrichment Foundation) are relied upon more and more to bridge the gap in school funding, helping schools to continue to provide high-quality learning opportunities to our students (e.g., music programs, athletics, clubs, etc.). That issue becomes increasingly important this year with the continuing state budget problems and our need to comply with the state law regarding not charging individual student fees for various student activities. Donations and support programs like REEF can help support our students and programs as the funding situation has changed.

Last year with RUSD employees, we raised $17,000 in RUSD contributions to support this significant cause. We are a “community” in RUSD and we are a “community” within Riverside – and we care about each other and have a collective interest in our students. Economically, things are tough for all – whether you are in schools, private business, etc. My approach to REEF and ultimately the benefit for our students is that we need participation of everyone not necessarily large gifts (though those are certainly welcome. As an example, we have approximately 5,000 permanent employees in RUSD. If ALL of us were to each contribute $1 per month – we would raise over $60,000 for this important effort (compared to $17,000 last year). How much more could we do if we just had everyone in Riverside contribute their $1? I would ask for your participation and the encouragement of all of your friends/neighbors in this effort that will directly support our students and programs. It only takes participation to make a BIG difference. You can find contribution information on our website at:

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Miller,
    Thanks for helping to get the word out about REEF. It does take the entire district's and community's support to continue on the vision of Bonnie Polis.
