
Monday, March 12, 2012

Third-world State?

Across the state we are all facing a difficult time as we once again make budget reductions in a public education system that has done nothing but take cuts for the last 5 years.  Five years ago, we would never have believed that, while being one of the least funded state systems in the nation, we would be required to operate without even the existing meager resources.  But so it has gone – we are now working on about 75 cents of those 2007 dollars.

This year’s budget is likely to be even scarier with state resources that are diminishing even now (from projections of the LAO’s and Controller’s offices).  Additionally, this is a year that makes a budget even more challenging.  The Governor’s budget (to date) is counting on passage of a November initiative to fund the budget and is using public education and schools to leverage the passage of such.  To make it all a bit more exciting there are 3 active tax initiatives – with at least 2 likely to be on the ballot.  So if these do not pass, we are to take a mid-year reduction followed by a further 2013-2014 budget?  Are we to lose a whole generation of students and ultimately a generation of citizens and workers?

For me all of this somehow seems to miss the point.  When are we in California going to begin to demand that our representatives and this state provide the same quality education that it did 40 years ago – when nationally we led the way?  Our state economy and relative economic development cannot do well unless we address these issues.  And for those of you that think I am talking about the K-12 system – I am but I am equally talking about the public higher education system which also has been disseminated.  From the funding (read state commitment) of public education we are on our way to becoming a "3rd world state" in the national engagement.  Why would you want to move your company to California under the present circumstances?

It certainly does not have to be this way – but to do otherwise requires ACTION up and down and throughout our state.

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