
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Facilities and Construction

In the midst of very difficult budget times, we continue to have funds that can only support providing additional facilities for our students and staff. As many of you know, we have lots of students and teachers in temporary classroom facilities. We currently have a number of projects that provide work for our local construction industry and families while providing new permanent classrooms for our students.

As has been stated before, these construction bond funds (by law) can ONLY be used for construction of capital facilities and NOT for operational purposes. This is like bad news (can’t deflect our layoffs with this money) and good news (we can improve our classrooms for students).  Additionally, these projects support our local citizens and businesses in the construction industry.

These projects are currently under construction at Pachappa Elementary School, Central Middle School, Emerson Elementary School, and Mt. View Elementary School. I am including some quick pictures with the idea that possibly a picture is worth 1000 words.


Pachappa Library and Classrooms

Central Middle School MPR

The King HS Field begins to take shape

Mountain View Library

Emerson Classrooms and Library

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