
Monday, September 21, 2009

Sacramento vs. Riverside at the Helm?

An interesting editorial in our local Press-Enterprise regarding the state dilemma and what should be done.  Probably the last line captures it best with the idea that public education via the Sacramento intrusion "needs a thorough overhaul, not a costmetic touchup."  The editors rightly point to the on-going insanity in Sacramento.  I would totally concur that the real issue is the need to "start by giving local districts more power to make decisions."  That is not a statement of arrogance on my part, rather a statement that I believe in our local citizens to hold our local school District and board members accountable for the well-being of their students -- THAT scenario is much UNlike our existing governance via Sacramento (with limited accountability) chaos.


  1. Dr. Miller,

    I believe that the Sacramento bunch have shown Californians over and over that they are incapable of making the hard decisions. In particular those decisions that may alter their chances for their next government job. Throughly over hauling the education system would upset all those contributing lobbyists and party hardliners -- both parties. Sadly, a costmetic touchup is probably all Californians are going to get. Unfortunately, not only do our students lose again, but so does our state. We all deserve more.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. I agree with the editorial regarding more local control of our school systems. I was born,raised, and schooled in Connecticut in which the local cities, towns, and buroughs controlled their own school districts. It seemed much more personal and effective. After all, a student in the San Francisco bay area has far different needs than a student in say the Coachella Valley.Only the local community can meet those needs.

  3. Thanks for the rational point of view. Unlike our state superintenant, whose rationale for getting new history texts is how sad it is that our current adoption doesn't say anything about "global warming." If we need new texts for anything, surely the state can come up with more cogent justifications. I am proud to part of a district that is looking ahead.
