You REALLY Missed It!!
If you couldn’t make it, you really missed it on Saturday
night when we had our Red Carpet premier for our student acted and produced
video on the A-G requirements that are necessary for University of California
admission. While it was not totally
full, it was a very full house in the Ramona Theater (over 650). Students were introduced and premiered
including several red carpet interviews.
We even learned how to “shuffle” – kinda.
As indicated earlier in the week, we have a great staff
across the District that is producing some incredible results with our students. Many from the HS media arts and publications
staff were involved in this effort along with many students – essentially all
on non-school time. There were student producers,
camera-people, actors, choreographers, and you-name-it. When people talk about preparing our students
for the jobs of the 21st century (which is now) – I believe this is
a great example – that can translate into real jobs. Additionally, these students have a very
valuable piece for their job or college portfolio that is very credible.
Bottomline, if you or others don’t know what each of the 7
letters (A-G) represent in the A-G requirements you could and should check out
this video ( that will
explain it in some fun detail. Your friends might even enjoy it. Great job students and staff!!
Are you going to continue your blog?