
Friday, September 9, 2011

The Anniversary of a Horrific Day

Sunday will be a special day across the U.S. as we remember (rather than celebrate) 9/11.  Most of us have a very clear remembrance of where we were, what we were doing, and the impact that the Twin Towers and other related events had upon us at that time.  I was in Caldwell, ID and was delayed getting to work due to some family issues.  As a result, I got to hear and see the early reports of the Twin Tower "accident" with a "small plane" colliding with one of the towers.  I further saw the on-going saga until I needed to get to my District and deal with the obvious damage control that we all faced across the country.  Do you remember ALL flights being immediately grounded and then people trying to figure out how to get home anyway they could?  What a horrific day and event!!

The interesting part is that MOST of our students have limited, if any recollection of the issue as they were at best in 1st or 2nd grade, and most were much younger or not even BORN.  Therefore, it is important to make sure that our students learn about what happened on that day.  We will be blessed on Monday to be able to share with some of our HS students at 3 schools primary witnesses to the event (e.g. Terry Abbott, who was with President Bush on that fateful day along with Riversider Dave Austin, who was one of the early responders).  Pearson Corporation has provided learning materials for 9/11 learning (including some very engaging video resources)  May we consider the impact of that day and what we should, will, and do differently as a result?

The times of these events at the 3 High Schools on Monday will be

North High School-- 8-8:56 AM (all times are Pacific)

Ramona High School-- 10:06 -11:01

Arlington High School -- 12:51-1:48

and the link to view a live stream of this is HERE

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Miller,

    What has become of your blog?
