
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Last Gasp?

So if you haven't heard yet, the Governor has declared that he has given up on the Republicans, the opportunity to get to a ballot measure for June, and the possibility of extending the current taxes.  Beyond the media reports, Brown wrote a letter to Senator Bob Dutton (local representative and Senate minority leader) basically agreeing to some version of 3 items but unwilling to talk about 53 items.  Actually, it is pretty interesting reading.

I understand that lots of folks think that somehow there has to be a "deal" struck between the two parties.  Okay!!  But, regardless of your party, I really don't understand the reluctance to allow the people (US!!) to vote one way or the other on the matter (feels a bit undemocratic).  Especially, given it is a tax we are already paying.  And by the way, a June vote is NO guarantee of it passing -- it is only an opportunity for us to know what the citizens of California would actually like to do on this particular matter!!

Time is finally gone!!  My best info is that if this is not resolved in the next two days we are in for defacto CUTS because we aren't allowed to vote.

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