In January, we had a change of Governors. Actually, that is not all that unusual. However, in this case it appears to be far different than before. When Governor Brown took office there were some symbolic budget reductions but more importantly there is a real reduction of formality and officialdom. We began to hear of Gov. Brown walking down the streets of Sacramento minus escorts, motorcades, and handlers -- this is different!
As an example, Governor Brown recently attended the State Board of Education meeting without announcing his arrival -- and engaged in an informal conversation with the Board. Governor Brown was also attired informally. Overall, there seem to be clear signals that this Governor is much more impromptu and relaxed in his approach. An excerpt of the State Board of Education meeting can be seen by going to:
Last week the Governor needed to get to SoCal like you and I he headed down to Southwest airlines and got on-board (don't know if he was Business Select // in the A group or not) -- and then sat next to real people. Time will tell, but it would appear that things are happening Sacramento.
I'm hopeful for the first time in a long time. And ... I'm a Republican.