
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why is this so complicated?

We rightfully continue to get questions about the budget and requests for information.  We are committed to both transparency and communication about District operations -- including the budget/finances.  However, we should realize that we will always fall somewhat short of that goal and will always be in pursuit of perfection and completion of the transparency/communication target.

Essentially all financial documents are stored on our District webpage for public access and review.  Additionally, as we prepare explanatory documents regarding the budget -- they too are available in similar webpage locations.

As an example, yes -- as reported, we have a $71 million fund balance that goes from one year (2009-10) to the next (2010-11) -- this clearly shown in our documents.  Additionally, Mike Fine has explained this on a number of occasions -- most recently at our September 7th Board meeting (with the materials available at and the Board podcast which is also on the website).  We also try to provide "short" documents that explain as simply as we can (without detail) the circumstances of the budget.

Commonly, there seems to be concern and confusion about why we are having such a tough time offering what we always have in terms of services and options for students and parents.  The fact is that we have, as a reduction in state funding (our income), had to reduce almost $100 million in the past 3 years.  Looked at another way, Do you remember the year 2000?  When:
  • Bill Clinton was President
  • Harry Potter didn't have a movie and glasses yet
  • The "hot" movie was Erin Brockovich
  • and before 9/11 had terrifying meaning
That is the "new" level of funding we have in California (and RUSD) for public schools.  I am sure that a number of you have the same problem.  However, the fact is that while "income" may be pegged at 2000 levels prices and costs somehow remain at 2010 levels on their way to 2011.  A "lost decade" effects families and effects schools/students.

1 comment:

  1. Consider arranging Budget presentations at the beginning of the School Board meetings. Interested parties will be able to absord the information when they are not quite so tired, waiting until 9:00, 10:00 at night is difficult.
