
Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I extend my most ecstatic congratulations to RCTA and the certificated staff of our District that have agreed to furloughs to save the positions of our fellow employees. This past Friday RCTA passed their ratification of furloughs in excess of 82%. This adds to the furloughs that have agreed to by our administrators and managers in the District. The School Board will have public disclosure of the RCTA agreement (public disclosure is by law required 10 days before ratification) on Thursday, June 3rd. They will then ratify the MOU with RCTA on June 14th (after the prescribed disclosure period and review by the county office). We are hopeful that there will be more good news as the data from the ERIP is being considered.

We are in difficult and unusual times indeed!! Who would have ever thought we would need to take such action to do the right thing for each other and for the well being of our public education institution?


  1. Can you please explain the 189 vs 375 layoff notices. I have heard that there were only supposed to be 189 layoff notices sent out rather than 375. If so, why are the full 375 being counted in the furloughs.


  2. But again why did it take SO long to get to this point?

  3. How come half time employees are being forced to go full time and bump teachers? This has not been the practice in recent years! Is this not being discussed or is it at the sites that only have half time employees.

  4. As a pink slipped teacher, I extend my gratitude to those who voted for the furlough days. Will this help me, probably not. However, this action will help many other pink slipped teachers.

  5. Thank you to all of my colleagues who voted for furlough days. I am most grateful. The parents of the students I teach are also very appreciative.

    Will we wait so long to solve some of these issues next year needlessly costing the district thousands of dollars, upsetting parents, and dismantling teachers' lives once again?

    Please let's beging soon to solve some of the same budget issues before we're up against the March 15th deadline. It will be here before we know it.

  6. Dr. Miller,
    We as teachers have made our voices heard twice now. First, by voting for new leadership within our ranks, and second, by voting overwhelmingly for the furlough days that first you asked of us and then we saw as a way to save some of our own. I hope you can see how much the teachers of RUSD want to work together with the district to come to, although excrutiating at times, decisions that are the best for all, students, teachers, parents, all the various and important jobs held by classified staff, and administrators. I for one, and hope many agree, want a new relationship between the district and the unions. One of mutual respect and trust. I hope the steps teachers have taken thus far show you our willingness to build a better relationship. Although I do not have a job in RUSD next year, as of yet, I am hopeful that both sides will work together in the future to not allow some of the bitterness and distrust that caused delays and misinformation this year.

  7. I agree with anonymous who said that they are hopeful for a new relationship between the district and the union. Hopefully the teachers have shown their disappointment with how this has been handled and the new leadership will take steps to stop blaming and start working for all of us!

  8. I also would like to know why half time employees are being forced to go full time and bump teachers who have worked the same number of years, but who have worked full time, the whole time? This has not been the practice in recent years! Why are they being given credit for full years of service when they have only worked part time for some of their service?

  9. Is anyone ever going to answer why 375 are still laid off when only 189 have been voted on as budget solutions. If there is an explanation...then share it. Saying nothing leads people to believe something fishy is going on.
