I was in San Diego on Thursday and amongst other things heard Jack O’Connell along with others speak about our state budget. Pretty interesting!! In 2008, the State budget was $103 Billion. In 2009, it is $84.5 Billion – a fairly significant decrease. But the Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) recently released his projection (non-partisan) and said that there would be another $20.7 Billion lost in the next 18 months. So using my 6th grade math – that would mean we are looking at $63.8 Billion – quite a loss from $103 Billion!!
So what does that mean to us? Using just our current numbers before the LAO’s numbers “kick in” we have to come up with $37 million in savings/budget improvements for the 2010-11 school year. Last year, to provide some perspective, we were looking for about $25 million to close the gap. Further, as of tonight we are filing a “qualified” interim financial report with our Riverside County Office of Education. Also, as of tonight, we will begin the actual budget changes in preparation for next year. While NONE of us like the task ahead, we must make these moves in a timely manner to “balance the budget” and to attempt to move us back into a “positive” financial certification with RCOE.
All should know that while we are and will do everything in our power to reduce the impact on our students – schools will NOT be the same in this coming year. PLEASE don’t forget to call or write or email or communicate with our local legislators. That is the ONLY way out -- other than impacts on every aspect of our operation.
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