
Saturday, May 30, 2009

It has ARRIVED!!

After spending several months in development, our new webpage is up and operational. In the crossover process there will surely be some "catch ups" that will need to occur -- but overall, we hope that you will have a much improved experience with this format. I am sure that there will be more added as we move forward but this is step ONE. Additionally, we hope that this format assists with navigation on the page. I appreciate the efforts and dedication of the NIS staff in delivering this new communication tool within the established timelines.

On a related note, several of you have indicated that you like the blog -- BUT I am not keeping enough postings coming. I understand, but at this time, my commitment is to basically post 3 times per week (minimum). I will try to exceed that as time and news permits. We are sincerely attempting to improve our communication in a variety of forums -- at the same time we are reducing resources. For me, my blogging is not yet a mature process and I will get better with time. In the interim, I hope you will bear with my learning curve.

Best regards,


  1. The new design for the RUSD web page is very professional and corporate like in appearance. It is new, so like you said it will have some flaws. Question: Is the new look going to have a search?

  2. Nice look, but not easy to navigate. Not a good time to start up.

  3. And how about access to Accelerated Reader?

  4. I think the new website is terrific. It is much more user friendly than the former RUSD website. Visually, it’s nicely organized and easy on the eyes. The links are clear, making navigation within the site a snap. I think the NIS staff are to be commended as they strive to constantly evolve and change. As with any techology, the kinks (if any) will be addressed by capable and dedicated staff. Kudos!

  5. Be aware that not all teachers have the latest browser - teachers may need to download Windows Explorer 8 in order to view the website.

  6. The new Website looks more modern and professional; keep up the good work RUSD and the NIS staff mentioned by Rick.

    I hope the remote site links can be updated and integrated into the new format. Try to put priority to the pages that are “under construction” because they don’t offer any valuable information right now; instead, some of the “under construction” pages just mention to go to the “main website,” which I think should be the RUSD site. At least include some of the original content from the main site, (the one that is only the link now) so that the viewer can learn something immediately without having to navigate to the link.
