
Monday, March 28, 2011

So How Do You Feel About the Loss of Another $1,000+ per Student?

Ymm... Okay, deadlines are passed, even the "wiggle" room is passed, what is left?  With the passage of last week and still no authorization for a ballot measure, it seems that YOU and I will not get a chance to tell the Governor and Legislature about our beliefs regarding a tax extension or a doubling of the current budget and program reductions.  At least that is what the Governor seems to believe in his YouTube video discussion and "check-in" with the people of California.

While I can understand we looked at this tax question back in 2009, I am somewhat amazed at the lack of willingness to look at it again two years later.  I don't know about you, but it would seem that there have been several changes in the past two years that may or may not effect my view of the matter.  In my RUSD world we have made another $75 million in reductions (which kinda' sounds like big money to me) and the impacts on our classrooms and District are becoming increasingly obvious.  In California, this year's per student funding is actually less than it was in 97-98 (which was awhile ago).  At the same time, the national economy has clearly shown signs of not only recovery but growth (albeit slow in California).

Guess our legislators don't believe we have the wherewithal to make such important decisions.  Instead, THEY now have the collective obligation to make even more draconian cuts (which we will live with) that not only effect our students ...BUT the economic future of California.

If you are prompted to call those that get to make this decision, you can find their numbers here and you can choose to call them now or wait until after the reductions begin to occur.

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