
Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Summer School

What a difference 24 hours makes!! As I was providing the prior post our REEF organization (our Education Foundation), they were going through their regular meeting and they approved a scholarship process and allocation to provide support for students to participate in the fee-based // "get-ahead" summer school program.  REEF has been a partner all the way along in an attempt to do all that they could do to make sure that our students have summer school opportunities.  At one point, they were going to serve as the delivery system for the program, before RCC stepped forward.(which we all view as a better solution at this point).

My thanks and commendations to REEF for once again stepping forward and supporting our students and teachers.  While this and other solutions like it are never perfect, it FAR surpasses what would otherwise be and what other districts are not able to deliver.

Of less good news, Steve Berry, long-time chairman, advocate, and cheerleader of REEF has notified all concerned that due to professional obligations he will need to step aside as chairman.  Steve had provided GREAT leadership for a long time for REEF and done an extraordinary job as REEF has grown and matured.  Thank you to Steve and his family for many years and lots of hours of commitment to REEF!!  I will miss him in the role of leader of REEF -- though he will continue to be part of RUSD and REEF.  I am also sure there will be leaders that will step forward to further lead REEF.

Thank you once again to REEF for all you do!!


  1. As a teacher at the poorest high school in the district, it is sad that we have been forced to go to a fee based program to get ahead. So many of our students will not be able to afford this program, and it will once again demonstrate the divide that exists between several of the schools in our district!

  2. Thank you REEF for making it possible for those students who cannot afford the program to have the opportunity!

  3. Thank you to the REEF board for all you do!

  4. It has been almost 2 weeks since the previous negotiations, and the next set of negotiations are to begin this next week...why has the district not yet emailed the joint communique as agreed they would after every negotiations? Perhaps this should be posted on your blog? RCTA did post it immediately...why has not the district?
    It doesn't look good for the district when they are not communicating a simple communication of the wrap-up of the negotiations as they go, especially since this has been agreed upon, and since this is a very important time to communicate. It's like having a very overdue assignment, which would receive an F if this long overdue.

  5. The negotiations updates are posted on the district's website. Here is the link:

    You can get there by going to the Human Resources tab (under "Services).
