
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Race to the Top ...of?

Yesterday, our Board met and determined that we were NOT going to apply for the Race To The Top (RTTT) funds -- under the current circumstances. Our meeting was also reported in the press this morning.

We have notified the State of our intent not to apply at this time, but do remain curious as to the RTTT opportunities. In explanation of our rationale for our position at this time we provided a number of concerns that are unaddressed in RTTT and therefore prohibit our involvement.

  1. There is not clarity with the Legislative action or intent regarding this matter.
  2. We are unsure of what exactly the “top” is in this context.
  3. As we have reviewed the documents and listened to the conference calls regarding RTTT, there is a lack of clarity as to what the goal is and what the obligations are for RUSD.
  4. Given the current budgetary crisis and the direct actions that we have taken to reduce both administration and staff, we are unsure that we have the organizational capacity to achieve the unspecified goals and assurances that might be involved in a RTTT application.

While we can concur that we can always work to reform and improve schools and the experience for students and parent, however we are unsure that this is the correct solution for us at this time. Possibly one of our Board members said it best when he stated that we are trying to “race to the top” but are doing so while “blindfolded” -- in the case of RTTT.

What is your opinion on RTTT?


  1. I agree with the Board's decision regarding Race To The Top funds. While the money may help in the short term,the idea of the Federal government having even more control over our local schools is crazy! We've seen how tough it is to be beholden to Sacramento, we don't need Washington's added burden.I say, lets restore control of local school districts to their local governments and citizens!

  2. I would like to see those people or agencies who set the goals for education spend more time at actual school sites with students, school staff, and parents to get a dose of reality. The educational community is beating its head against a brick wall to try to meet unrealistic goals. Morale with staff in education is extremely low because with every move they make to try to improve test scores it seems they are knocked down. Someday there will be nothing else to try. Then what?? Fire everyone??

  3. I agree with the Board's decision. The trade-offs aren't worth it. The changes that would need to be made in order for the state to comply with the RTTT regulations would cost more to implement than the state stands to bring in. The whole thing is just another attempt to privitize education and punish teachers.
