
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Great Evening Great Student Performance

This is the time of year when lots of GREAT things happen and the students as they are recognized for their performance.  Last night is one of my favorite events of the year when the Riverside County Superintendent and his office honor the top High School students in the county of Riverside.  We have about 430,000 students that attend school in our county.  This year there will be approximately 33,000 of those students that will be graduating from high school.  The evening was devoted to recognizing the top three students (academically) from each of the 51 high schools in Riverside County. 

In addition, the highlight of the evening is when Superintendent Kenn Young names the top 10 county academic team from those 33,000 HS graduates.  The determination is made based on a weighted scoring of a student’s GPA, SAT performance, extra-curricular activities, and accomplishments outside the school.  This year 3 of the top 10 Academic Team are from RUSD.  Their performance and that of the other team members are phenomenal.  As an example our three students included:
·         Alan Z from North HS with a GPA of 4.65 and a SAT score of 2270 (out of a possible 2,400)
·         Kevin Z from North HS with a  GPA of 4.63 and a SAT score of 2340
·         Jeffrey G from Poly HS with a GPA of 4.71 and a SAT score of 2400 (yes a perfect score)

Beyond great work by these students, they are obviously supported by committed parents and great RUSD teachers that can meet the challenge of these high performing students.