Monday, June 29, 2009
The DRAMA Continues
The wrangling continues while "Rome burns" and July 1st and IOU's loom in Sacramento. Beyond the "heat of the moment" with the budget issue, Dan Walters of the Sacramento Bee has and continues to be a veteran observer of California politics and related budget issues -- one of his more interesting articles about the LONG-term issues of the California situation can be found at the Sacramento Bee website.
R&R Time
I was able to get away for a brief period of time and reflect on something other than school, budgets, etc. I hope you have had a similar opportunity or have such time arranged for this summer. Renewal is important, particularly in our business, and particularly during these difficult "budget" times. My time and place was in the high Sierra (which has long been a refuge for me). While I will not bore you with "home movies," I will include one brief picture of one of the lakes that we visited at 10,551' -- yes that is really snow at the end of June.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Success on a NATIONAL Scale!!
Monday, June 22, 2009
How do you think we could or should use this technology -- or not?
Friday, June 19, 2009
So how could we ensure success of ALL students and do so through individualization?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
And special thanks to Ron Weston for his leadership with this entire project and journey from the local to the county to the state to the national level. It wouldn't have happened without him.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of celebrations for these RUSD team members, many of whom have spent the majority of their adult lives helping the children of Riverside in a variety of ways. They are our administrators, teachers, school secretaries, budget experts, library assistants, cafeteria workers, and many others who quietly and without fanfare are changing the world a little bit every day.
Many of these people don’t want any congratulations or glory for what they do. But the impact they have on others is striking. I saw just one example of that at the June 4 retirement celebration held for Assistant Superintendent Glenn Allen King, who will leave our district at the end of this month after a long and stellar career. This occasion was held, appropriately enough, in the multipurpose room at Emerson Elementary School, where Mr. King began his teaching career 39 years ago. Several of Mr. King’s former students, known as “King Kids” attended this celebration and spoke of how he truly changed their lives. These individuals spoke of how Mr. King mentored them as sixth-graders, showing them that he cared for them and expected the best from them every day. His devotion didn’t stop when the bell rang or even when these students reached adulthood. At graduations, weddings, the births of their children, and even funerals, he was there. And now, those former students are making a difference in the lives of others. Some are even teachers here in our District.
To Mr. King and to all of our other retirees, I say thank you. You all have made a positive and lasting impact not only in our District, but in our entire Riverside community.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Is This Any Way to Run a Railroad?
Having trouble figuring this out? Well the feds also sent us a check for about $11 million in stimulus during the past few weeks. Now it makes sense?!? The 09-10 budget year should be even more interesting given the maneuvering of the leadership in Sacramento.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Competition amongst equals!
We have provided that data over the course of several years on our new website including the most recent release of information. We provide that information for your review and information.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
You meet the nicest people in the most unusual places
I appreciate the effort that Steve as well as many of the rest of you that take the time and concern to introduce yourselves to me – particularly in unusual, non-traditional places – it helps me to get to know you. Thanks!
Friday, June 12, 2009
We need your help
Best regards,
The finale!!

As with other graduations throughout the District, the music and arts program highlighted the tremendous assets we have with our schooling process. The highlight of the highlights was the male trio from the 2009 National Honors Choir (3 of the 21 from California) doing a stirring rendition of “I Hope You Dance.” The entire week and the entire graduation in each case of each high school is a showcase of what is RIGHT with our students, staff, and RUSD system. I don’t know where you would go to find a better representation and example of the opportunities available (and delivered!) in RUSD.
Thanks to ALL that made this year and the success of these students excellent! THEY are of Significance!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
August 15th Layoffs
As a point of interest, to accomplish an August 15th layoff, we would need to take official Board action before the end of June to meet all the timelines involved with an August 15th layoff process. We went through a difficult notification process in March to notify certificated employees of the possibility of layoff which was followed with an actual layoff in May. Why would we choose to turn around inside of 30 days of the final layoff notice process and start laying off teachers and others again? Poor planning?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The finals continue

Tonight graduations continue at Ramona and King High School. I was unable to attend King (as I can't be in two places at once), but was able to attend Ramona along with Dr. Beaty. I have now shaken the hands of 1,500+ graduates and unfortunately missed the 750 at King. Ramona had 429 pieces of Lego delivered to Principal Mills as part of the "senior gift" from each of the graduates. Included in the graduates were 104 AVID grads which makes up 1/4 of the Ramona grads. These are 1st generation graduates that are going on to the university level and have historical statistics that show a high rate of completion. A wonderful evening of celebration at Ramona.
Additionally, it should be pointed out that there was strong staff support throughout the event. It was also great to see the principals from the feeder elementary and middle school. Sierra Middle School staff also participated in the event.
Another final -- another great performance

To add to the Poly graduation, we had the John W. North High School graduation tonight. Once again a GREAT event. While it was "cloudy" and cool (actually an advantage over the option of heat), the spirit and celebration was anything but "cloudy" at the RCC stadium. In fact the clouds "parted" and the sun came out for the ceremony. There were 581 grads with flags from the 17 countries in which they were born.
Many teachers and staff members were there in a voluntary basis (they were their because the believe in their students and their profession). Both on the field and stage in full academic regalia and throughout the stadium staff members were fully engaged. I am sure that they have been engaged in a similar manner throughout the 4 year career of these students. Congratulations to all!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The FINAL Examination

Monday, June 8, 2009
Leadership Matters
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Budget Solution?
It is is interesting to note the Press Enterprise editorial on the matter and the call for a much longer view and more rational approach to the state budget. I agree with them when they comment that, "California will never break its budget death spiral as long as legislators refuse to think beyond the present."
Saturday, June 6, 2009
We are working on it
We added a couple of new areas to the website, a Parent portal and an Employee portal. The new areas include a parent page populated with links to Accelerated Reader, California Content Standards, a listing of California Colleges, and other useful links. The site also contains an Employee Portal which allows employees and teachers’ quick access to some of their most used links.
The site is a work-in-process with new pages and content being added daily.
Things to come:
- A site search and site map.
- Website visitors will be able to register to receive RUSD news via email. This function will be expanded to include school site news.
Check out the new look if you haven’t already done so – and please be patient as we work to improve our service to you.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Budget AGAIN!! Budget still??
While I don’t have any intent to engage in ANY of the wild proposals that are being forwarded, I am clear that the 2010-11 budget year will be very difficult as the “one-time funds” (including the stimulus) will no longer be available. If something does not change dramatically in Sacramento during the 09-10 school year, it is clear that Riverside and every other district in the state will be engaged in reductions FAR beyond anything we have been able to imagine at this point.
On a related note, I met with Kenn Young, Riverside County Superintendent and Dr. Wendel Tucker, Alvord USD Superintendent to develop a video of some of the impacts on our local system with this most recent round of discussion in Sacramento. The video was part of RCOE’s Focus on Education production which is included.
I would encourage you to be aware of the very difficult situation we are in with our funding from the state, BUT at the same time avoid wild speculation about the dismal impacts it might have on each of us. We have a balanced budget and a plan to get through this year. We will work together to strategize the next budget cycle in spring 2010 – when it arrives.
Legislators List
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Help is Amongst Us
We all know that our nation is experiencing some of the most devastating economic times in history. More and more of our neighbors as losing their jobs and homes and our community’s children have to do without basic necessities. They need our help. It was clear from listening to those gathered at Tuesday’s meeting that a lot of help exists here in Riverside. We just need to do a better job of sharing resources and letting the public know what is available to them. As Pastor LeeRoy Coleman from the Kansas Avenue Church said, “Sometimes it’s not how good the players are, it’s how well the team plays together.” From what I saw Tuesday, we have an amazing team here in Riverside and we all are focused on the singular goal of helping each other.
Accomplishment and Celebration
On a personal note, my own graduation from high school was as the Salutatorian (though not nearly as accomplished as our students), but most significantly I received a small scholarship from the local teachers association (little did they know what they were supporting) that was very meaningful in helping me attend college.
I commend our Riverside staff and students for their collective and individual accomplishments. Next week is a time of great celebration. I am looking forward to these events and plan to attend all the commencement ceremonies except in the cases of duplication.
Note: You can find information regarding the commencement and promotional activities on our RUSD website.